Sunday, May 15, 2011


What would you say
if we didn’t go there today,
and went, where our dreams might take us.
We’ll just follow the breeze
and do as we please;
lie down with the sun on our faces.
We’ll whistle along
with the song sparrow’s song
and be happy, to trade places.
It’s a place no one knows
where we wiggle our toes;
careful, to not leave any traces.
And it seems oh so right
to be with you tonight,
warm, in your loving embraces.
So, what would you say
if we didn’t go there today;
and went where our dreams, will take us.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


I like the way the sunlight
reflects off the blue green sea

the way the rocky cliff
holds the twisted Cypress tree

the way the seals and otters
sometime stop, and look at me

and wonder how and why 
this ever came to be

reflecting on the future
that holds wonders yet to see.